Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Visit from Family

Last week we had the opportunity to have family come visit.  My dad, his wife Ruth and her daugher, Raquel, as well as my brother and his family came for 4 days to Oregon and played with us.  Because i' super lame and I forget my camera all the time, I have very few picture to show you.  So, I will just have to paint with my words their visit...
We tried to give them a true "Oregon experience" by taking them to some worthwhile places.  First was the beach.  We went to Oswald beach about an hour and a half a way from us, which in my opinion is the nicest beach that I have been to in Oregon.  It is a nice cove surrounded by a beautiful forest that has a sweet little water fall and lots of small sea creatures.  The only pictures I took are of Nate and Matt, although there were lots of family members there, just not in my pictures (because I am really lame).
My two favorite guys walking along the beach

Matt is actually terrified of the beach (biggest understatement of the year). So, as they were walking, Matt pretty much cried most of the way.

He spent most of his time far away from the water building "sand castles".

This would be one of his sand castles.  Notice the impressive architectural detail.


There were some really cool trees on the hike down to the beach.

On the way back home, Lydia was sad, so Matt held her hand. He is such a good big brother!
I should also mention that My aunt Karen came up with my dad and we were able to spend the day at the beach with her and her son Jason who lives in Portland, as well as his very nice girlfriend Julieanne.

Some other activities that we did with my family while they were here were berry picking (of course), canning strawberry jam that we made with our berries, having fun at Out of this World Pizza and lots of playing at the parks.  It was a really fun visit and we're glad that everyone was able to make the trip up to see us!  It's always really fun to see family since we live kind of far away.

1 comment:

  1. That beach looks totally awesome - so Oregon. I hope that our plans work out and we are able to visit next summer.
